WWII German Militaria Collectibles : Daggers : Badges : Helmets : Medals : Armbands : Uniforms
  • WW2 German Close Combat Clasp dark bronze Bremlack

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    WW2 German Close Combat Clasp
    You can see this information on page 63 of the book "THE GERMAN CLOSE COMBAT CLASP OF WORLD WAR II"(ISBN:978-90-81230-11-7)
    The Magnetic, sheet-metal pin was simply bent around the hinge pin, then bent back creating a small tension foot.
    The crimping of the tombak catch left a distinct raised lip its base.
    Given the small size of the lettering, it is not uncommon to find tiny details such as the "dots" to be partially formed or missing altogether.

    Do you have a WW2 German  Clasp  Collar for sale? We are constantly looking for original WW2 German  Clasp 
    to buy. Since 1982 we have been a trusted dealer in WWII German Militaria and can offer you the
    fairest price on the net for your items. Whether you are selling just one WW2 German  Clasp or a whole
    collection of WW2 German Militaria, we would love to hear from you. Call us at 843-305-6191.